World traveling is on the bucket list for many executives after they retire. Read how to realize your wish earlier.
We all love and need to take vacations. Who doesn’t? Beautiful places, great food, relaxing environment ready for you to enjoy.
Most of Americans are taking one week, or ten days if stretching over the weekends. By the time you are relaxed you must pack and go back to work. But some of us love to travel more than others. And probably only some of us put in the bucket list to travel around the globe. Today there are many beautiful cruises which will take you around the world.
The question is: when can you afford to cruise around the world? What do you need to do?
Foremost, you must have desire. That would be your motivation.
Time is very important. If you are working for a reputable company that offers you a great future, you probably will want to put the cruise around the world on your bucket list until you have both time and money. In some occasions, you could work on the ship. This should be another discussion.
If you have a family with young children, cruising will be challenging because you will not have all the comfort that is necessary for kids. It is better for you to postpone worldwide cruising until the children are grown.
Majority of people that travel around the world are the people who are retired. You can retire at any age. Some people retire at 40, other at 50. Most people retire at 66+.
The cruise around the world will take an average four months. Such a long cruise will require you to take a lot of time from work and from your real life. This could be a challenge. You must be ready to disconnect from your regular life and be prepared to be out of physical touch with your relatives and friends for those months.
Of course, you would need money.
You will need to pay in full for your cruise in advance. Often, alcohol drinks are an extra cost. You will travel around the world visiting about 30 countries in a short period of time. You will want to take some excursions. Excursions can be costly. You will also need spending money.
Also, before you leave for the cruise you will need to arrange all payments for your home and personal bills for the time that of you are on the cruise.
Who are the people that achieved wealth by retirement age or early?
You have been told since your childhood that you need to get a good education, find a high paid job and save money. If you are focused on saving since a young age you will accumulate and own funds by the time you retire.
But many of us are not saving. Who wants to think about retirement in your twenties?
Then you would need to make money later in your life. It may sound ironic. But if you decide to make money for traveling as your prime goal you will make it.
Let’s assume you accomplish both goals and now you have time and money. Congratulations!
What is the next importance for your trip around the world?
Health. Health is the most important when you’re ready to cruise around the world. In US we have a strong medicine and excellent doctors ready to help you with your health issues. When you go on the cruise on the ship the medical care will be limited. You must rely on your physical strengths and your health. When you are healthy you will get the most enjoyment during your cruise. You will be visiting and seeing all wonders of the world at each port. Otherwise, you would stay on the ship, still have good food and excellent service.
How you can stay healthy?
To stay healthy, you need to eat healthy and to exercise. But that is not enough. Your immune system requires balance and harmony.
How you can reach balance in your life?
Let’s simply focus on the activities that you enjoy the most. Understand what makes you happy. Start to emphasize on the days and moments when you smile a lot. Share your smiles with people around you, even if they are strangers. You will see the difference. You will be happier.
HAPPY YOU will eat less. Your immune and digestive systems will function better. You will attract people to be by your side.
When you’re happy and healthy you will find a way to your success. You will be more efficient at work and earn money faster. You will live your balanced life.
Living in BALANCE will get you ready for traveling around the world.